The winter blues is slang term given to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in its milder state. While many people interchange the two, SAD is a much more serious condition than what one would call winter blues, and may even require mental health treatment and a patient care plan. Learn how Season Affective Disorder (SAD) can impact your productivity, well-being and mental health.

Rediscovering Self-Care in NYC

Self-care is not a one-size-fits-all process. I frequently remind clients that change doesn’t happen overnight. I often hear: “I know I should be doing X, but…” Many recognize that self-care is essential and can recite most of the proven self-care strategies. However, even the most capable and diligent person can’t possibly expect to wake up suddenly and incorporate all of them. Any process worth committing to takes time to learn and integrate and requires self-patience and self-compassion.

How to Find the Best Therapist For You in NYC

We understand that it can be challenging to find the best therapist for you. It’s also sometimes anxiety-provoking to make an initial appointment and begin the process. Here some way to make the process less mystifying and more straightforward.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An In-Depth View

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most recognized major forms of therapy in NYC with decades of clinical and research support. It is effective, and in the hands of a skilled, warm and authentic therapist, it can significantly decrease symptoms and help to increase well-being and to develop stronger, more resilient mental health, giving the patient a much better quality of life.