Work & Career

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Is Adderall Addictive? Understanding the Risks and Reality of...
Explore the risks of Adderall use in high-pressure careers and understand addiction signs and recovery options....
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Navigating Work Stress: Proactive Stress Management Strategies for NYC...
Learn effective work stress management techniques for NYC professionals. Discover how to manage stress at work...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Therapy for Therapists: Combat Therapist Burnout With Self Care
Therapist burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that can make it difficult...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Sports Counseling in NYC for Elite Athletes
Athletes are vulnerable to a wide range of mental health issues. Learn how sports counseling in...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Feel bored, frustrated, or incompetent at work?

Our goal is to help you see what great accomplishments you’re capable of.

Financial Therapy: How Therapy Can Lead to A Brighter...
From grocery shopping to paying rent, it might feel like your paycheck doesn’t stretch as far...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Therapy for Lawyers: The Role Of Therapy In The...
For lawyers, good mental health can be a serious challenge because of constant overtime, strict deadlines,...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
The Importance Of Self Care For Entrepreneurs
The entrepreneurial hustle is real, but self-care can help you prioritize your mental health without sacrificing...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Why Entrepreneurs Need to Get More Therapy
Psychotherapy can provide a safe space for entrepreneurs to discuss their fears, stressors, and uncertainties without...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Executive Therapy: Do CEOs go to Therapy?
When CEOs focus on their mental health, they can reach higher productivity levels and set a...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
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