According to the American Institute of Stress, 75 percent of employees believe that their workforce generation has more job-related stress than previous ones. However, what is the root of this pervasive problem, and how can we combat it? 

How to Have Better Conversations With Your Partner

Close relationships require intimacy and trust. Whether you’re facing a minor disagreement or a larger problem, remember that you and your partner are ultimately working together to achieve the same goals. We’ve got some strategies for you to improve communication between you and your partner.


Self-care has been a buzzword for a few years now, rising in popularity and usage since 2016. It may sound like a passing trend. The fact is, it seems to be here to stay, especially when you think of it as regularly caring for your well-being.

Supporting Someone Living With HIV

When first learning of your partner’s or friend’s HIV positive status, it may be difficult to know what to say. Here are some ideas of where to start the conversation.

Stop Sabotaging Yourself: Tips for Getting Out of Your Own Way

There are many reasons that we become our own worst enemy. They often come from unconscious fears, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Yet, with the right kind of help you can learn to recognize what’s holding you back from being good to yourself, succeeding, building self-confidence, or finding happiness.

Healthy Ways to Deal With Stress and Anxiety

Anxiety is your nervous system’s way of protecting you in moments of real peril. It is your “fight or flight” mechanism, and it serves an important purpose. However, our minds and bodies are complicated. For a wide variety of reasons, this system designed to keep us safe might come to be overactive and cause us to struggle with anxiety and moments of panic.


Do need a therapist but aren’t sure what to look for? As demand for psychotherapy in major cities increases, it’s important to find a therapist you trust and there are important qualities to look for in an excellent therapist.

Have a Better Life in NYC Through Self-Compassion

Compassion is innate in all of us, and most people can readily demonstrate compassion for others when it seems appropriate to do so. It’s no secret that most people are harder on themselves than they are on others. So why is it so hard for us to show compassion to ourselves?

Defeating Workplace Stress in NYC

We know that living and working in a dynamic environment like New York City has its unique challenges that can sometimes be overwhelming. We’ll help you deal with those challenges.