Divorce: Coping Skills to Make It Through

No matter how amicable your breakup, divorce can be one of the most challenging and stressful experiences you’ll ever endure. Like any significant life event, divorce disrupts virtually all aspects of your life.

Do I Have Social Anxiety Disorder?

For individuals with social anxiety, the social fears of rejection, judgment, or doing something embarrassing or wrong is so extreme that it feels like mortal danger and the stuff of nightmares. For people with social anxiety disorder, fear can be a response to almost any kind of social setting or instance.

Why it’s Important to Disconnect in a Hyper-Connected World

Social media accounts aren’t a substitute for physical, social interaction. Spending too much time online can distract you from real-life social support and relationships. Sometimes it’s necessary to unplug yourself from your hyper-connected world of email, texts, and social media accounts to reset yourself and get your life back on track.

How to Achieve Work/Life Balance in a Big City

Working in a large city can present unique challenges. Commuting from the suburbs, competing with other well-qualified candidates for promotions or jobs, or achieving enough income to accommodate the high cost of living all add to a work/life balance that’s more skewed to the “work” side.

How to Combat Stress During the Holidays

Also known by the oxymoron “festive stress,” the increased stress levels people feel during the last month of the year seem to increase with each passing year. This phenomenon has piqued the interest of mental health professionals, who have studied the stages, causes, and coping mechanisms for holiday stress.

5 Unmet Needs That May Cause Psychological Issues in Adulthood

Traumatic events like the death of a close family member, mental illness in the family, or the pain of your parents’ divorce can significantly impact your mental health going forward — so can the types of relationships you formed with your parents and friends.


Creativity is a good thing, too. Scientists are continuing to uncover encouraging evidence that engaging in creative activities — from painting to potting plants to planning parties — is beneficial to your mental health and well-being.


Whether it’s your first or your fourth delivery, having a baby will mean significant changes for any woman. You’re making adjustments to your living arrangements to accommodate a new member of the family, your daily schedule drastically detours from your pre-pregnancy norm, and the physical differences in your postpartum body bring on an entirely new set of challenges. However, perhaps the most significant changes women experience after giving birth are mental or emotional.

The Importance of Mental Wellbeing in Young Adults

Young adults are particularly susceptible to developing mental illness. Unfortunately, they are not always aware of the possibility of experiencing a mental health challenge before they leave home. Teaching young adults about what they may face and how to address their emotional concerns can allow them to take control of their life.