What to Expect From Couples Counseling

Counseling can save and strengthen a marriage. Marriage is hard work, and couples therapy requires participation, willingness, and commitment from both partners to achieve optimum results.

What Is Family Therapy?

Families will inevitably have conflicts and communication issues, endure stress or trauma together, and get on one another’s nerves. For those reasons, family therapy is a valuable complement to marriage counseling and individual therapy.

Does Social Media Drive Eating Disorders?

Today, the popularity and pervasiveness of social networking sites have made “slender media images” difficult to escape, and the pressures on people to look a certain way seems to have increased.

How to Find a Good Therapist

Once you learn what relevant information to look for in a practitioner, it’s much easier to narrow down your list of potential therapists and find not just a good fit, but the best fit for you.

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

Studies confirm that social media is affecting the mental health of adolescents and adults — with both positive and negative results.

How Does CBT Work?

CBT has grown to become a preferred form of talk therapy treatment for many of today’s mental health practitioners, and for a good reason — it is quite useful.

What is Teletherapy? (A Helpful and Definitive Guide)

People shouldn’t have to give up mental health treatment just because they live in rural areas with limited mental health resources, have non-traditional work schedules, or can’t leave home due to disabilities or current COVID-19 pandemic precautions. A live online therapy session via video, online chat, or phone is similar to a session in a therapist’s office. The most significant difference is that the therapist is not in the same location as the patient, who is often participating from the comfort of their own home.

[How] Can Therapy Help My Relationship?

Couples counseling isn’t always a last-ditch effort to save a marriage or prevent a breakup. Happy couples find regular therapy sessions help them maintain and enhance their healthy relationships. Together, they learn how to work through disagreements and other relationship issues, improve their emotional and physical intimacy, and understand one another on a deeper level.


Most of us have never experienced a health epidemic like COVID-19 here in the United States, so of course, we don’t know what to expect or how to react. During any epidemic or disruptive event, it’s essential to take steps to maintain good mental health and overall wellbeing.